随机算法 (Fall 2011)
This is the page for the class Randomized Algorithms for the Fall 2011 semester. Students who take this class should check this page periodically for content updates and new announcements.
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Course info
- Instructor : 尹一通,
- email: yitong.yin@gmail.com, yinyt@nju.edu.cn, yinyt@lamda.nju.edu.cn
- office: MMW 406.
- Class meeting: TBA.
- Office hour: TBA.
- 一些重要的随机算法的设计思想和理论分析;
- 概率论工具及其在算法分析中的应用,包括常用的概率不等式,以及数学证明的概率方法 (the probabilistic method);
- 随机算法的概率模型,包括典型的随机算法模型,以及概率复杂度模型。
先修课程 Prerequisites
- 必须:离散数学,概率论。
- 推荐:算法设计与分析。
Course materials
There is no assignments yet.
Lecture Notes
- Introduction
- Probability Basics
- Balls and Bins
- Moment and Deviation
- Hashing and Fingerprinting
- Chernoff Bound
- Concentration of Measure
- Dimension Reduction
- The Probabilistic Method
- Approximation Algorithms, On-line Algorithms
- Markov Chain and Random Walk
- Random Walk Algorithms
- Coupling and Mixing Time
- Expander Graphs I
- Expander Graphs II
- Sampling and Counting
- Complexity
The Probability Theory Toolkit
- Linearity of expectation
- Independent events and conditional independence
- Conditional probability and conditional expectation
- The law of total probability and the law of total expectation
- The union bound
- Bernoulli trials
- Geometric distribution
- Binomial distribution
- Markov's inequality
- Chebyshev's inequality
- Chernoff bound
- k-wise independence
- Martingale
- Azuma's inequality and Hoeffding's inequality
- Doob martingale
- The probabilistic method
- The Lovász local lemma and the algorithmic Lovász local lemma
- Markov chain:
- reducibility, Periodicity, stationary distribution, hitting time, cover time;
- mixing time, conductance