Theory Seminar

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  • 这是南京大学理论计算机科学的讨论班主页。
  • 本讨论班是open seminar,欢迎各方向的老师、研究生、以及本科生来参加。

时间地点 Speakers Topics Readings

3:00pm, 2017/12/15
计算机系楼 224


Belief Propagation and Bethe Approximation.

Yedida-Freeman-Weiss paper

3:00pm, 2017/12/8
计算机系楼 319


Counting hypergraph colorings in the local lemma regime。

Counting hypergraph colorings in the local lemma regime

3:00pm, 2017/12/1
计算机系楼 224


A lower bound for the distributed Lovász local lemma

A lower bound for the distributed Lovász local lemma

3:00pm, 2017/11/10
计算机系楼 319


A constructive algorithm for the Lovász Local Lemma on permutations

A constructive algorithm for the Lovász Local Lemma on permutations

3:00pm, 2017/11/3
计算机系楼 224

(U Maryland)

Information Complexity

The disjointness lower bound of Bar-Yossef et al.

3:00pm, 2017/10/20
计算机系楼 224


Crossing the Logarithmic Barrier for Dynamic Boolean Data Structure Lower Bounds.

Crossing the Logarithmic Barrier for Dynamic Boolean Data Structure Lower Bounds

3:00pm, 2017/9/15
计算机系楼 223


Randomly Coloring Constant Degree Graphs


3:00pm, 2017/7/14
计算机系楼 224


Optimal Hashing-based Time–Space Trade-offs for Approximate Near Neighbors

Optimal Hashing-based Time–Space Trade-offs for Approximate Near Neighbors

3:00pm, 2017/6/30
计算机系楼 224


Cake Cutting: Networked Fairness, Envy and Truth

2:00pm, 2017/6/23
计算机系楼 224

(Indiana University)

Parameterized Algorithms for Constraint Satisfaction Problems Above Average with Global Cardinality Constraints

Parameterized Algorithms for Constraint Satisfaction Problems Above Average with Global Cardinality Constraints

3:00pm, 2017/6/16
计算机系楼 224


Information complexity and direct-sum theorems.

BBCR paper

The Information Complexity of Hamming Distance

The disjointness lower bound of Bar-Yossef et al.

3:00pm, 2017/5/5
计算机系楼 224


What can be sampled locally?

Our PODC 2017 paper

3:00pm, 2017/4/28
计算机系楼 224


Rapid Mixing of Hypergraph Independent Set.

Hermon-Sly-Zhang's result

3:00pm, 2017/4/14
计算机系楼 224


MCMC sampling for independent sets.

Dyer-Greenhill's algorithm

Luby-Vigoda's analysis of Glauber dynamics

Vigoda's note

3:00pm, 2017/4/7
计算机系楼 224


Distributed algorithms for maximal independent set.

Luby's algorithm

Mohsen Ghaffari's breakthrough paper

3:00pm, 2017/3/31
计算机系楼 224


Roots of the independence polynomial.

On a conjecture of Sokal concerning roots of the independence polynomial

3:00pm, 2017/3/24
计算机系楼 224


Neighbor Discovery in Cognitive Radio Networks

Communication Primitives in Cognitive Radio Networks

3:00pm, 2017/3/17
计算机系楼 224


On the Optimality of Tape Merge

On the Optimality of Tape Merge of Two Lists with Similar Size

4:00pm, 2017/3/10
计算机系楼 224


Taylor approximation of non-vanishing complex-valued graph polynomials.

Deterministic polynomial-time approximation algorithms for partition functions and graph polynomials On a conjecture of Sokal concerning roots of the independence polynomial

3:30pm, 2016/12/22
计算机系楼 224

(Queen Mary, University of London)

Uniform Sampling through the Lovász Local Lemma

Uniform Sampling through the Lovász Local Lemma

4:30pm, 2016/12/9
计算机系楼 224


Rigorous Analysis of Asynchronous Gibbs Sampling

Ensuring Rapid Mixing and Low Bias for Asynchronous Gibbs Sampling

2:00pm, 2016/12/6
计算机系楼 224

(U Maryland)

Some Recent Progress on Quantum Information Complexity

Lower bound on expected communication cost of quantum Huffman coding

New one shot quantum protocols with application to communication complexity

Exponential Separation of Quantum Communication and Classical Information

4:30pm, 2016/11/25
计算机系楼 224


Lovász local lemma and approximate counting

Ankur Moitra's breakthrough paper on counting CNF

4:30pm, 2016/11/11
计算机系楼 224


Fourier analysis; Hypercontractivity; Locality-sensitive hashing (LSH); approximate nearest neighbor search (ANNS)

Motwani-Naor-Panigrahy's lower bound on LSH

O’Donnell-Wu-Zhou's optimal lower bound on LSH

a hash-based lower bound of Andoni et al.

4:30pm, 2016/10/28
计算机系楼 223


MCMC sampler; Glauber dynamics; path-coupling;

Frieze-Vigoda survey

4:30pm, 2016/10/14
计算机系楼 224


Approximate Counting via Correlation Decay.

Weitz's paper

1pm, 2016/9/27
计算机系楼 224


Communication Complexity of Gap Hamming Distance.

Sherstov's simplified proof Chakrabarti-Regev 2010

4:30pm, 2016/9/23
计算机系楼 224

(上海交通大学 & 香港中文大学)

Sparsest cut; Bourgain Theorem; Leighton-Rao algorithm.

Luca Trevisan's notes: 1, 2

1pm, 2016/9/20
计算机系楼 224

(上海交通大学 & 香港中文大学)

Graph spectrum; Cheeger's Inequality; Fiedler's algorithm.

Luca Trevisan's notes: 1, 2, 3, 4