Randomized Algorithms (Spring 2010)
This is the page for the class Randomized Algorithms for the Spring 2010 semester. Students who take this class should check this page periodically for content updates and new announcements.
There is also a backup page for off-campus users. The URL is http://lamda.nju.edu.cn/yinyt/random2010wiki/
- (03/29/2010) 第五课的slides已上传。
- (03/25/2010) 由于要参加讨论班,本周六(3月27日)下午的office hour改为周日下午。
- (03/22/2010) 第四课的slides已上传。print version是白色背景,方便打印。
- (03/16/2010) The first homework assignment is out.
- (03/15/2010) 通知:从明天(3月16日)开始,教室改为馆III-101,时间不变。
- (03/15/2010) 第三课的slides已上传。
- (03/08/2010) 第二课的slides已上传。
- (03/02/2010) 第一课的slides已上传,见lecture notes部分。pdf文件很大,请先下载再看,尽量不要直接在浏览器打开,可能会引起浏览器长时间失去响应
- (01/21/2010) 上课时间已改为 每周二的第三、四节。请选课的同学们注意。
- 一些重要的随机算法的设计思想和理论分析;
- 概率论工具及其在算法分析中的应用,包括常用的概率不等式,以及数学证明的概率方法 (the probabilistic method);
- 随机算法的概率模型,包括典型的随机算法模型,以及概率复杂度模型。
先修课程 Prerequisites
- 必须:离散数学,概率论。
- 推荐:算法设计与分析。
Course materials
- (03/16/2010) Problem Set 1 due on March 30, Tuesday, in class. 中英文不限。
Lecture Notes
- Introduction | slides
- Complexity classes, lower bounds | slides
- Balls and bins | slides | print version
- Tail inequalities | slides | print version
- Set balancing, packet routing, and metric embedding | print version
- Hashing, limited independence
- Martingales
- The probabilistic method
- Randomized rounding
- Random graphs, graph algorithms
- Markov chains and random walks
- Random sampling
- Approximate counting
- Geometric algorithms
- Fingerprinting
- Number theory algorithms
- Distributed Algorithms
- Data streams
The Probability Theory Toolkit
- Linearity of expectation (used in Lecture Notes 1, 3)
- Independent events and conditional independence (used in Lecture Notes 1, 3)
- Conditional probability and conditional expectation (used in Lecture Notes 1, 2, 3)
- The law of total probability and the law of total expectation (used in Lecture Notes 2)
- The union bound (used in Lecture Notes 3)
- Bernoulli trials (used in Lecture Notes 3)
- Geometric distribution (used in Lecture Notes 3)
- Binomial distribution (used in Lecture Notes 3, 4)
- Markov's inequality (used in Lecture Notes 4)
- Chebyshev's inequality (used in Lecture Notes 4)
- Chernoff bound (used in Lecture Notes 4)
Thanks the LAMDA group for hosting the webpage for off-campus users. Special thanks to YU Yang for his time and technical supports.