随机算法 (Spring 2014)
This is the page for the class Randomized Algorithms for the Spring 2014 semester. Students who take this class should check this page periodically for content updates and new announcements.
To be added
Course info
- Instructor : 尹一通,
- email: yitong.yin@gmail.com, yinyt@nju.edu.cn
- office: 计算机系 804.
- Class meeting: Tuesday 10am-12pm, 仙I-101.
- Office hour: Wednesday 2-4pm, 计算机系 804.
先修课程 Prerequisites
- 必须:离散数学,概率论,线性代数。
- 推荐:算法设计与分析。
Course materials
成绩 Grades
- 课程成绩:本课程将会有若干次作业和一次期末考试。最终成绩将由平时作业成绩和期末考试成绩综合得出。
- 迟交:如果有特殊的理由,无法按时完成作业,请提前联系授课老师,给出正当理由。否则迟交的作业将不被接受。
学术诚信 Academic Integrity
本课程将对剽窃行为采取零容忍的态度。在完成作业过程中,对他人工作(出版物、互联网资料、其他人的作业等)直接的文本抄袭和对关键思想、关键元素的抄袭,按照 ACM Policy on Plagiarism的解释,都将视为剽窃。剽窃者成绩将被取消。如果发现互相抄袭行为, 抄袭和被抄袭双方的成绩都将被取消。因此请主动防止自己的作业被他人抄袭。
- Problem Set 1, due on March 18, Tuesday, in class.
Lecture Notes
- Introduction and Probability Space: checking matrix multiplication, polynomial identity testing, communication complexity
- Conditional Probability: polynomial identity testing, min-cut
- Random Variables: balls and bins, stable marriage
- Expectation of Random Variables: random quicksort, Karp-Upfal-Wigderson bound, Markov's inequality
The Probability Theory Toolkit
- Probability space and probability axioms
- Independent events
- Conditional probability
- Random variable and expectation
- Linearity of expectation
- The law of total probability and the law of total expectation
- The union bound
- Bernoulli trials
- Geometric distribution
- Binomial distribution
- Markov's inequality
- Variance and covariance
- Chebyshev's inequality
- Chernoff bound
- Martingale
- Azuma's inequality and Hoeffding's inequality
- Doob martingale
- k-wise independence
- The probabilistic method
- The Lovász local lemma and the algorithmic Lovász local lemma
- Markov chain:
- reducibility, Periodicity, stationary distribution, hitting time, cover time;
- mixing time, conductance