Theory Seminar
- 这是南京大学理论计算机科学的讨论班主页。
- 本讨论班是open seminar,欢迎各方向的老师、研究生、以及本科生来参加。
时间地点 Speakers Topics Readings 4:30pm, 2016/11/25
- Lovász local lemma and approximate counting
4:30pm, 2016/11/11
计算机系楼 224潘笑吟
- Fourier analysis; Hypercontractivity; Locality-sensitive hashing (LSH); approximate nearest neighbor search (ANNS)
Motwani-Naor-Panigrahy's lower bound on LSH, O’Donnell-Wu-Zhou's optimal lower bound on LSH, a hash-based lower bound of Andoni et al.
4:30pm, 2016/10/28
计算机系楼 223孙宇鑫
- MCMC sampler; Glauber dynamics; path-coupling;
4:30pm, 2016/10/14
计算机系楼 224宋仁杰
- Approximate Counting via Correlation Decay.
1pm, 2016/9/27
计算机系楼 224刘明谋
- Communication Complexity of Gap Hamming Distance.
4:30pm, 2016/9/23
计算机系楼 224张驰豪
(上海交通大学 & 香港中文大学)- Sparsest cut; Bourgain Theorem; Leighton-Rao algorithm.
1pm, 2016/9/20
计算机系楼 224张驰豪
(上海交通大学 & 香港中文大学)- Graph spectrum; Cheeger's Inequality; Fiedler's algorithm.