Yitong Yin 

Yitong Yin 尹一通

New Cornerstone Investigator (新基石研究员)
Theory Group
School of Computer Science
Nanjing University

Ph.D., Yale University (2009)
BS, Nanjing University (2003)

PO Box 603
163 Xianlin Ave.
Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
China, 210023
Email: yinyt@nju.edu.cn

I am Yitong Yin (尹一通), a professor in the Theory Group at the School of Computer Science, Nanjing University.
I received my PhD in Computer Science from Yale University in 2009 and joined the faculty at Nanjing University (my alma mater) the same year.

My research is gratefully supported by the New Cornerstone Investigator Program.
I have had the privilege of being a long-term visitor at the following institutions:

Program committee: ICALP 2025; STOC 2024; COCOON 2024, 2023, 2022, 2014; TAMC 2024, 2017, 2016, 2015; ICDCS 2023; COCOA 2021; ISAAC 2013; FAW 2012;
PC co-chair: NCTCS (全国理论计算机科学学术年会) 2024, 2020
Editorial board: 《软件学报》 (Journal of Software), 《计算机科学》 ("Computer Science" magazine)
Deputy director of the Technical Committee on Theoretical Computer Science of China Computer Federation (CCF) (CCF理论计算机科学专委会 副主任)

Research interests

Theoretical Computer Science:


Other teaching experiences:


Recruiting: 欢迎对理论计算机科学以及计算机科学中的数学感兴趣的同学与我联系。有数理背景、或算法相关的竞赛及科研经历者优先。

Current students:

Former students and interns:


My [dblp], [Google Scholar] and [arxiv] profiles.

The co-authors of papers are listed in alphabetical order. (根据理论计算机科学惯例,论文作者按姓氏字母序)

Invited talks

A tutorial on the The Beauty of the Theory of Computing (计算理论之美) for high schoolers.

A popular science lecture Quest for Artificial Intelligence (人工智能探秘) for elementary school students.

A popular science lecture The Magical Wild Animals (神奇的动物) for kindergarten kids.

Awards & Grants

Assorted other pages