This is the Theory Group in the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Nanjing University. Our research focuses on Theoretical Computer Science (TCS). Research interests of the members of the theory group include:
Algorithms: algorithm design and analysis, approximation algorithms, randomized algorithms, online algorithms, combinatorial optimization, sampling and counting
Big data: data structures, data summary and analysis, theory of parallel and distributed computing, computational fairness, differential privacy, learning theory
Complexity: computational complexity, communication complexity, computational phase transition, derandomization, Boolean function analysis
Quantum: quantum algorithms, quantum complexity theory, quantum information theory, quantum distributed computing, quantum cryptography
We are recruiting:
Prospective graduate students, postdocs, and undergraduate research interns are encouraged to contact faculty members.
For candidates who are interested in applying for our faculty positions, please contact Professor Yitong Yin.
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Lingxiao Huang (黄棱潇), Associate Professor Ph.D., Tsinghua University, 2017 Algorithms for Big Data, Computational Social Choice, Learning Theory Email: huanglingxiao (AT) |
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Shi Li (栗师), Professor Ph.D., Princeton University, 2014 Combinatorial Optimization, Approximation Algorithm, Online Algorithms Email: shili (AT) |
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Jingcheng Liu (刘景铖), Associate Professor Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2019 Counting and Sampling, Computational Phase Transitions, Differential Privacy Email: liu (AT) |
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Penghui Yao (姚鹏晖), Professor Ph.D., National University of Singapore, 2014 Classic/Quantum Communication Complexity, Information Theory, Quantum Computing Email: pyao (AT) |
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Yitong Yin (尹一通), Professor Ph.D., Yale University, 2009 Randomized Algorithms, Data Structures, Theory of Parallel and Distributed Computing Email: yinyt (AT) |
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Chaodong Zheng (郑朝栋), Assistant Professor Ph.D., National University of Singapore, 2015 Distributed Algorithms, Theoretical Aspects of Wireless Computing, Network Algorithms Email: chaodong (AT) |
Xiaoyu Chen (陈小羽), PhD student (2020- )
Hongyang Liu (刘弘洋), PhD student (2020- )
Chunyang Wang (王淳扬), PhD student (2020- )
Xudong Wu (吴旭东), PhD student (2020- )
Xinyuan Zhang (张昕渊), Master student (2020-2022), PhD student (2022- )
Mingnan Zhao (赵铭南), PhD student (2020- )
Yangjing Dong (董杨静), PhD student (2021- )
Xinyu Fu (傅心语), Master student (2021-2023), PhD student (2023- )
Zekun Ye (叶泽坤), PhD student (2021- )
Ziyi Fang (方子伊), Master student (2022-2024), PhD student (2024- )
Yuntian Xie (谢云天), Master student (2022-2024), PhD student (2024- )
Zongrui Zou (邹宗瑞), PhD student (2022- )
Sirui Bai (白思睿), Master student (2023- )
Hongyi Chen (陈弘毅), Master student (2023- )
Wenyang Xiao (肖文扬), Master student (2023- )
Runkai Yang (杨闰凯), Master student (2023- )
Yixiao Yu (于逸潇), PhD student (2023- )
Haigang Zhou (周海刚), PhD student (2023- )
Han Dai (代涵), PhD student (2024- )
Tianxing Ding (丁天行), PhD student (2024- )
Yuda Feng (冯昱达), PhD student (2024- )
Zhe Hou (侯哲), PhD student (2024- )
Zihao Liang (梁梓豪), Master student (2024- )
Fengning Ou (欧丰宁), PhD student (2024- )
Zhenyu Jiang (姜振宇), PhD student (2024- )
Jia Ye (叶佳), Master student (2024- )
Chi Zhang (张弛), Master student (2024- )
Yiyao Zhang (张弈垚), PhD student (2024- )
Can Zhou (周灿), Master student (2024- )
Minglong Qin (钦明珑), Master (2018-2020) and PhD (2020-2024) student, CCF量子计算博士学位论文激励计划, postdoc in the Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT) at NUS.
Zongbo Bao (鲍宗博), Master student (2021-2024), PhD student at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI).
Haimin Chen (陈海敏), PhD student (2016-2021), a researcher at Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Weiming Feng (凤维明), Phd student (2016-2021), CCF 优博, Junior Fellow at the Institute for Theoretical Studies, ETH Zürich.
Mingmou Liu (刘明谋), Phd student (2015-2020), postdoc in the Basic Algorithms Research Copenhagen (BARC) at University of Copenhagen.
Changsheng Wang (汪昌盛), Master student (2020-2023), SDE in Microsoft (Suzhou).
Renjie Song (宋仁杰), Master student (2015-2018), Megvii Research Nanjing (旷视南京研究院).
Yonggang Jiang (姜勇刚), Undergraduate student (2017-2021), now PhD student in Max Planck Institute for Informatics.
Xin Huang (黄昕), Undergraduate student (2010-2014), PhD graduated from CUHK, now a research scientist at Kyushu University.
Discrete Mathematics (离散数学)
Elements of Information Theory (信息论基础)
Past Courses:
Advanced Algorithms (高级算法): Fall 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2019, Fall 2018, Fall 2017, Fall 2016.
Combinatorics (组合数学): Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Fall 2019, Fall 2017, Fall 2016, Fall 2015, Spring 2014, Spring 2013, Fall 2011, Fall 2010.
Computational Complexity (计算复杂性): Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Fall 2019, Fall 2018.
Numerical Method (计算方法): Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Fall 2022
Probability Theory (概率论与数理统计): Spring 2024, Spring 2023
Quantum Computing (量子计算): Spring 2022, Spring 2021, Fall 2019.
Randomized Algorithms (随机算法): Fall 2015, Spring 2014, Spring 2013, Fall 2011, Spring 2010.
Approximation Algorithms Seminar (近似算法讨论班): Fall 2011.
Weakly seminars on the state-of-the-arts and basic knowledges in Theoretical Computer Science. Students and faculties from all areas are welcomed.
For more information, check out the seminar's homepage.
Time & Location | Title & Speaker | Further Information |
Google Calendar contains upcoming events.
In Theoretical Computer Science, the authors are usually listed in alphabetical order. 根据理论计算机科学的国际惯例,论文作者按姓氏字母排序。
2024:Yangjing Dong, Penghui Yao. Communication Complexity of Common Randomness Generation with Isotropic States. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (TIT) 70(8): 5681-5691 (2024).
Zhenyu Chen, Lijinzhi Lin, Xiaodie Lin, Zhaohui Wei, Penghui Yao. The Generations of Classical Correlations via Quantum Schemes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (TIT) 70(6): 4160-4169 (2024).
Chuhan Lu, Minglong Qin, Fang Song, Penghui Yao, Mingnan Zhao. Quantum Pseudorandom Scramblers. TCC 2024.
Chunyang Wang, Yitong Yin. A Sampling Lovász Local Lemma for Large Domain Sizes. FOCS 2024.
Michael Dinitz, Guy Kortsarz, Shi Li. Degrees and Network Design: New Problems and Approximations. APPROX/RANDOM 2024.
Xiaoyu Chen, Heng Guo, Xinyuan Zhang, Zongrui Zou. Near-linear time samplers for matroid independent sets with applications. APPROX/RANDOM 2024.
Yangjing Dong, Honghao Fu, Anand Natarajan, Minglong Qin, Haochen Xu, Penghui Yao. The Computational Advantage of MIP* Vanishes in the Presence of Noise. CCC 2024.
Yuda Feng, Shi Li. A Note on Approximating Weighted Nash Social Welfare with Additive Valuations. ICALP 2024. Best Paper Award of Track A.
Shi Li, Chenyang Xu, Ruilong Zhang. Polylogarithmic Approximation for Robust s-t Path. ICALP 2024.
Nairen Cao, Vincent Cohen-Addad, Euiwoong Lee, Shi Li, Alantha Newman, Lukas Vogl. Understanding the Cluster Linear Program for Correlation Clustering. STOC 2024.
Lingxiao Huang, Jian Li, Xuan Wu. On Optimal Coreset Construction for Euclidean (k,z)-Clustering. STOC 2024.
Sungjin Im, Ravi Kumar, Shi Li, Aditya Petety, Manish Purohit. Online Load and Graph Balancing for Random Order Inputs. SPAA 2024. Outstanding Paper Award.
Xiaoyi Zhu, Yuxiang Tian, Lingxiao Huang, Zengfeng Huang. Space Complexity of Euclidean Clustering. SOCG 2024.
Jingcheng Liu, Jalaj Upadhyay, Zongrui Zou. Optimal Bounds on Private Graph Approximation. SODA 2024.
Xiaoyu Chen, Jingcheng Liu, Yitong Yin. Uniqueness and Rapid Mixing in the Bipartite Hardcore Model. FOCS 2023.
Vincent Cohen-Addad, Euiwoong Lee, Shi Li, Alantha Newman. Handling Correlated Rounding Error via Preclustering: A 1.73-approximation for Correlation Clustering. FOCS 2023.
Weiming Feng, Heng Guo, Chunyang Wang, Jiaheng Wang, Yitong Yin. Towards derandomising Markov chain Monte Carlo. FOCS 2023.
Zongbo Bao, Penghui Yao. On Testing and Learning Quantum Junta Channels. COLT 2023.
Niclas Boehmer, L. Elisa Celis, Lingxiao Huang, Anay Mehrotra, Nisheeth K. Vishnoi. Subset Selection Based On Multiple Rankings in the Presence of Bias: Effectiveness of Fairness Constraints for Multiwinner Voting Score Functions. ICML 2023.
Lingxiao Huang, Ruiyuan Huang, Zengfeng Huang, Xuan Wu. On Coresets for Clustering in Small Dimensional Euclidean Spaces. ICML 2023.
Lingxiao Huang, Shaofeng H.-C. Jiang, Jianing Lou. The power of Uniform Sampling for k-Median. ICML 2023.
Shi Li. Nearly-Linear Time LP Solvers and Rounding Algorithms for Scheduling Problems. ICALP 2023.
Minglong Qin, Penghui Yao . Decidability of fully quantum nonlocal games with noisy maximally entangled states. QIP 2023. ICALP 2023.
Ravishankar Krishnaswamy, Shi Li, Varun Suriyanarayana. Online Unrelated-Machine Load Balancing and Generalized Flow with Recourse. STOC 2023.
Lingxiao Huang, Shaofeng H.-C. Jiang, Jianing Lou, Xuan Wu. Near-optimal Coresets for Robust Clustering. ICLR 2023. (notable-top-5%).
Xiaoyu Chen, Xinyuan Zhang. A near-linear time sampler for the Ising model with external field. SODA 2023.
Kun He, Chunyang Wang, Yitong Yin. Deterministic counting Lovász local lemma beyond linear programming. SODA 2023.
Sungjin Im, Shi Li. Improved Approximations for Unrelated Machine Scheduling. SODA 2023.
Haimin Chen, Chaodong Zheng. Efficient and competitive broadcast in multi-channel radio networks. Information and Computation (IANDC) 289(Part): 104960 (2022).
Xiaodie Lin, Zhaohui Wei, Penghui Yao. Quantum and Classical Hybrid Generations for Classical Correlations. IEEE Transaction on Information Theory (TIT) 68(1): 302-310 (2022).
Lingxiao Huang, Zhize Li, Jialin Sun, Haoyu Zhao. Coresets for Vertical Federated Learning: Regularized Linear Regression and k-Means Clustering. NeurIPS 2022.
Lingxiao Huang, Yuyi Wang, Chunxue Yang, Huanjian Zhou. Efficient Submodular Optimization under Noise: Local Search is Robust. NeurIPS 2022.
Kun He, Chunyang Wang, Yitong Yin. Sampling Lovász local lemma for general constraint satisfaction solutions in near-linear time. FOCS 2022.
Xiaoyu Chen, Weiming Feng, Yitong Yin, Xinyuan Zhang. Optimal mixing for two-state anti-ferromagnetic spin systems. FOCS 2022.
Penghui Yao, Yitong Yin, Xinyuan Zhang. Polynomial-Time Approximation of Zero-Free Partition Functions. ICALP 2022.
Srinivasan Arunachalam, Penghui Yao . Positive spectrahedra: invariance principles and pseudorandom generators. STOC 2022.
Hongyang Liu, Yitong Yin. Simple Parallel Algorithms for Single-Site Dynamics. STOC 2022.
Xudong Wu, Penghui Yao. Quantum Complexity of Weighted Diameter and Radius in CONGEST Networks. PODC 2022.
Yonggang Jiang, Chaodong Zheng. Robust and Optimal Contention Resolution without Collision Detection. SPAA 2022.
Shi Li, Bundit Laekhanukit. Polynomial Integrality Gap of Flow LP for Directed Steiner Tree. SODA 2022.
Weiming Feng, Heng Guo, Yitong Yin, Chihao Zhang. Fast Sampling and Counting k-SAT Solutions in the Local Lemma Regime. Journal of the ACM (JACM) 68(6): 40:1-40:42 (2021).
Minglong Qin, Penghui Yao. Nonlocal Games with Noisy Maximally Entangled States are Decidable. SIAM Journal on Computing (SICOMP) 50(6): 1800-1891 (2021).
Weiming Feng, Nisheeth Vishnoi, Yitong Yin. Dynamic Sampling from Graphical Models. SIAM Journal on Computing (SICOMP) 50(2): 350-381 (2021).
Lingxiao Huang, K. Sudhir, Nisheeth K. Vishnoi. Coresets for Time Series Clustering. NeurIPS 2021. Spotlight.
Xiaoyu Chen, Weiming Feng, Yitong Yin, Xinyuan Zhang. Rapid Mixing of Glauber Dynamics via Spectral Independence for All Degrees. FOCS 2021. Invited to a special issue of SICOMP.
Weiming Feng, Kun He, Yitong Yin. Sampling Constraint Satisfaction Solutions in the Local Lemma Regime. STOC 2021.
L. Elisa Celis, Lingxiao Huang, Vijay Keswani, Nisheeth K. Vishnoi. Fair Classification with Noisy Protected Attributes: A Framework with Provable Guarantees. ICML 2021.
Haimin Chen, Yonghang Jiang, Chaodong Zheng. Tight Trade-off in Contention Resolution without Collision Detection. PODC 2021.
Shi Li, Jiayi Xian. Online Unrelated Machine Load Balancing with Predictions Revisited. ICML 2021. Long presentation.
Weiming Feng, Kun He, Xiaoming Sun, Yitong Yin. Dynamic inference in probabilistic graphical models. ITCS 2021.
Shi Li. Towards PTAS for Precedence Constrained Scheduling via Combinatorial Algorithms. SODA 2021.
Weiming Feng, Heng Guo, Yitong Yin, Chihao Zhang. Rapid mixing from spectral independence beyond the Boolean domain. SODA 2021.
Weiming Feng, Thomas P. Hayes, Yitong Yin. Distributed Metropolis sampler with optimal parallelism. SODA 2021.
Shi Li. Scheduling to Minimize Total Weighted Completion Time via Time-Indexed Linear Programming Relaxations. SIAM Journal on Computing (SICOMP) 49(4) (2020). (FOCS 2017 special issue).
Anurag Anshu, Penghui Yao. On the Compression of Messages in the Multi-Party Setting. IEEE Transaction on Information Theory (TIT) 66(4): 2091-2114 (2020).
Lingxiao Huang, K. Sudhir, Nisheeth K. Vishnoi. Coresets for Regressions with Panel Data. NeurIPS 2020.
Mingmou Liu, Yitong Yin, Huacheng Yu. Succinct Filters for Sets of Unknown Sizes. ICALP 2020.
Lingxiao Huang, Nisheeth K. Vishnoi. Coresets for Clustering in Euclidean Spaces: Importance Sampling is Nearly Optimal. STOC 2020.
Weiming Feng, Heng Guo, Yitong Yin, Chihao Zhang. Fast Sampling and Counting k-SAT Solutions in the Local Lemma Regime. STOC 2020.
Mingmou Liu, Huacheng Yu. Lower Bound for Succinct Range Minimum Query. STOC 2020.
Penghui Yao. A Doubly Exponential Upper Bound on Noisy EPR States for Binary Games. QIP 2020.
Janardhan Kulkarni, Shi Li, Jakub Tarnawski, Minwei Ye. Hierarchy-Based Algorithms for Minimizing Makespan under Precedence and Communication Constraints. SODA 2020.
Heng Guo, Jingcheng Liu, Pinyan Lu. Zeros of Ferromagnetic 2-spin Systems. SODA 2020.
Heng Guo, Mark Jerrum, Jingcheng Liu. Uniform Sampling Through the Lovász Local Lemma. Journal of the ACM (JACM) 66(3): 18:1-18:31 (2019).
Charilaos Efthymiou, Thomas P. Hayes, Daniel Štefankovič, Eric Vigoda, Yitong Yin. Convergence of MCMC and Loopy BP in the Tree Uniqueness Region for the Hard-Core Model. SIAM Journal on Computing (SICOMP) 48(2): 581-643 (2019). (FOCS 2016 special issue).
Yunus Esencayi, Marco Gaboardi, Shi Li, Di Wang. Facility Location Problem in Differential Privacy Model Revisited. NeurIPS 2019.
Lingxiao Huang, Shaofeng H.-C. Jiang, Nisheeth K. Vishnoi. Coresets for Clustering with Fairness Constraints. NeurIPS 2019.
Jingcheng Liu, Alistair Sinclair, Piyush Srivastava. A Deterministic Algorithm for Counting Colorings with 2∆ Colors. FOCS 2019. Invited to a special issue of SICOMP.
Fabrizio Grandoni, Bundit Laekhanukit, Shi Li. O(log2k/loglog k)-Approximation Algorithm for Directed Steiner Tree: A Tight Quasi-Polynomial-Time Algorithm. STOC 2019. Invited to a special issue of SICOMP.
Jingcheng Liu, Kunal Talwar. Private Selection from Private Candidates. STOC 2019.
Weiming Feng, Nisheeth Vishnoi, Yitong Yin. Dynamic Sampling from Graphical Models. STOC 2019.
L. Elisa Celis, Lingxiao Huang, Vijay Keswani, Nisheeth K. Vishnoi. Classification with Fairness Constraints: A Meta-Algorithm with Provable Guarantees. FAT* 2019.
Jingcheng Liu, Alistair Sinclair, Piyush Srivastava. Fisher zeros and correlation decay in the Ising model. ITCS 2019.
Michael Langberg, Shi Li, Sai Vikneshwar Mani Jayaraman, Atri Rudra. Topology Dependent Bounds for (Some) FAQs. PODS 2019.
Haimin Chen, Chaodong Zheng. Fast and Resource Competitive Broadcast in Multi-channel Radio Networks. SPAA 2019.
Lingxiao Huang and Nisheeth K. Vishnoi. Stable and Fair Classification. ICML 2019.
Shi Li. On Facility Location with General Lower Bounds. SODA 2019.
Shashwat Garg, Janardhan Kulkarni, Shi Li. Lift and Project Algorithms for Precedence Constrained Scheduling to Minimize Completion Time. SODA 2019.
Uri Feige, Janardhan Kulkarni, Shi Li. A Polynomial Time Constant Approximation For Minimizing Total Weighted Flow-time. SODA 2019.
Anurag Anshu, Ankit Garg, Aram Harrow, Penghui Yao. Expected communication cost of distributed quantum tasks. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (TIT) 64(11): 7395-7423 (2018).
Xiangyu Guo, Shi Li. Distributed k-Clustering for Data with Heavy Noise. NeurIPS 2018. Spotlight.
Lingxiao Huang, Shaofeng H.-C. Jiang, Jian Li, Xuan Wu. Epsilon-Coresets for Clustering (with Outliers) in Doubling Metrics. FOCS 2018.
Debbie Leung, Ashwin Nayak, Ala Shayeghi, Dave Touchette, Penghui Yao, Nengkun Yu. Capacity Approaching Codes for Low Noise Interactive Quantum Communication. STOC 2018. QIP 2018.
Ravishankar Krishnaswamy, Shi Li and Sai Sandeep. Constant Approximation for k-Median and k-Means with Outliers via Iterative Rounding. STOC 2018.
Weiming Feng, Yitong Yin. On Local Distributed Sampling and Counting. PODC 2018.
Shi Li, Minwei Ye, Jinhui Xu. Approximating Global Optimum for Probabilistic Truth Discovery. COCOON 2018. Best paper award.
Rahul Jain, Zhaohui Wei, Penghui Yao, Shengyu Zhang. Multipartite Quantum Correlation and Communication Complexities. Computational Complexity 26(1): 199-228 (2017).
Seth Gilbert, Calvin Newport, Chaodong Zheng. Who Are You? Secure Identities in Ad Hoc Networks. Distributed Computing (DC) 30(2): 103-125 (2017).
Shi Li. Scheduling to Minimize Total Weighted Completion Time via Time-Indexed Linear Programming Relaxations. FOCS 2017. Invited to a special issue of SICOMP.
Jingcheng Liu, Alistair Sinclair, Piyush Srivastava. The Ising Partition Function: Zeros and Deterministic Approximation . FOCS 2017.
Anurag Anshu, Dave Touchette, Penghui Yao, Nengkun Yu. Exponential Separation of Quantum Communication and Classical Information. STOC 2017. QIP 2017 plenary talk.
Heng Guo, Mark Jerrum, Jingcheng Liu. Uniform Sampling Through the Lovász Local Lemma. STOC 2017.
Weiming Feng, Yuxin Sun, Yitong Yin. What Can be Sampled Locally? PODC 2017.
Seth Gilbert, Fabian Kuhn, Chaodong Zheng. Communication Primitives in Cognitive Radio Networks. PODC 2017.
Shi Li. Constant Approximation Algorithm for Non-Uniform Capacitated Multi-Item Lot-Sizing via Strong Covering Inequalities. SODA 2017.
Lingxiao Huang, Jian Li. Stochastic k-Center and j-Flat-Center Problems. SODA 2017.
Julia Chuzhoy, Shi Li. A Polylogarithmic Approximation for Edge-Disjoint-Paths with Congestion 2. Journal of the ACM (JACM) 63(5): 45:1-45:51 (2016).
Shi Li, Ola Svensson. Approximating k-Median via Pseudo-Approximation. SIAM Journal on Computing (SICOMP) 45(2): 530-547 (2016).
Anurag Anshu, Rahul Jain, Priyanka Mukhopadhyay, Ala Shayeghi, Penghui Yao. New one shot quantum protocols with application to communication complexity. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (TIT) 62(12): 7566-7577 (2016).
Charilaos Efthymiou, Thomas P. Hayes, Daniel Štefankovič, Eric Vigoda, Yitong Yin. Convergence of MCMC and Loopy BP in the Tree Uniqueness Region for the Hard-Core Model. FOCS 2016. Invited to a special issue of SICOMP.
Yitong Yin. Simple Average-case Lower Bounds for Approximate Near-neighbor from Isoperimetric Inequalities. ICALP 2016.
Mingmou Liu, Xiaoyin Pan, Yitong Yin. Randomized Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search with Limited Adaptivity. SPAA 2016. Outstanding Paper Award.
Anurag Anshu, Ankit Garg, Aram Wettroth Harrow, Penghui Yao. Lower Bound on Expected Communication Cost of Quantum Huffman Coding. TQC 2016.
Shi Li. Approximating Capacitated k-Median with (1+ε)k Open Facilities. SODA 2016.
Lingxiao Huang, Pinyan Lu, Chihao Zhang. Canonical Paths for MCMC: from Art to Science. SODA 2016.
Seth Gilbert, Chaodong Zheng. SybilCast: Broadcast on the Open Airwaves. ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing (TOPC) 2(3): 16:1-16:20 (2015). (SPAA 2013 special issue).
Jingcheng Liu, Pinyan Lu. FPTAS for #BIS with Degree Bounds on One Side. STOC 2015.
Seth Gilbert, Fabian Kuhn, Calvin Newport, Chaodong Zheng. Efficient Communication in Cognitive Radio Networks. PODC 2015.
Shi Li. On Uniform Capacitated k-Median beyond the Natural LP Relaxation. SODA 2015.
Deeparnab Chakrabarty, Sanjeev Khanna, Shi Li. On (1,ε)-Restricted Asgsignment Makespan Minimization. SODA 2015.
Jingcheng Liu, Pinyan Lu. FPTAS for Counting Monotone CNF. SODA 2015.
Alistair Sinclair, Piyush Srivastava, Daniel Štefankovič, Yitong Yin. Spatial Mixing and the Connective Constant: Optimal Bounds. SODA 2015.
Rahul Jain, Attila Pereszlenyi, Penghui Yao. A Parallel Repetition Theorem for Entangled Two-Player One-Round Games under Product Distributions. CCC 2014.
Yaoyu Wang, Yitong Yin. Certificates in Data Structures. ICALP 2014.
Yitong Yin. Spatial Mixing of Coloring Random Graphs. ICALP 2014.
Alistair Sinclair, Piyush Srivastava, Yitong Yin. Spatial mixing and approximation algorithms for graphs with bounded connective constant. FOCS 2013.
Shi Li, Ola Svensson. Approximating k-Median via Pseudo-Approximation. STOC 2013.
Liang Li, Pinyan Lu, Yitong Yin. Correlation Decay up to Uniqueness in Spin Systems. SODA 2013.
Yitong Yin, Chihao Zhang. Approximate Counting via Correlation Decay on Planar Graphs. SODA 2013.
Julia Chuzhoy, Shi Li. A Polylogarithmic Approximation for Edge-Disjoint-Paths with Congestion 2. FOCS 2012. Co-winner of best paper award.
Rahul Jain, Attila Pereszlényi, Penghui Yao. A Direct Product Theorem for Bounded-round Public-coin Randomized Communication Complexity. FOCS 2012.
Liang Li, Pinyan Lu, Yitong Yin. Approximate Counting via Correlation Decay in Spin Systems. SODA 2012.
Rahul Jain, Penghui Yao. A Parallel Approximation Algorithm for Positive Semidefinite Programming. FOCS 2011.
Shi Li. A 1.488-Approximation Algorithm for the Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem. ICALP 2011. Best student paper of Track A.
Yitong Yin. Cell-Probe Proofs. ACM Transactions on Computation Theory (TOCT) 2(1): 1:1-1:17 (2010).
Pascal Koiran, Jürgen Landes, Natacha Portier, Penghui Yao. Adversary lower bounds for nonadaptive quantum algorithms. Journal of Computer and System Sciences (JCSS) 76(5): 347-355 (2010).
Michael J. Fischer, Xueyuan Su, Yitong Yin. Assigning Tasks for Efficiency in Hadoop. SPAA 2010.
Shi Li, Xiang-Yang Li, YunHao Liu. Capacity of Large Scale Wireless Networks under Gaussian Channel Model. Mobicom 2008.
We gratefully acknowledge financial support for our research activities from the National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, and The New Cornerstone Science Foundation.
PI: New Cornerstone Investigator Program, Theoretical Foundations of Computational Sampling.
PI: National Key R&D Program of China 2018YFB1003200, Theoretical Foundations of Data Science.
PI: National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC) for Excellent Young Scholars, Grant No. 61722207: "Theoretical Computer Science".
PI: National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Grants No. 62472212: "Differentially Private Algorithmic Graph Theory"; No. 62172207: "Resource-Competitive Distributed Computing"; No. 61972191: "A Study of Quantum Communication Complexity from Information-Theoretic Perspective"; No. 61672275: "Algorithms and Complexity of Local Sampling"; No. 61702255: "Algorithmic Primitives for Distributed Computing when Multiple Wireless Networks Coexist"; No. 61272081: "Algorithms and Complexity of Approximate Counting"; No. 61003023: "Certificate Complexity for Data Structures".
PI: Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities: "Theory and Implementation of New Quantum Algorithms Based on Photonic Systems".
PI: Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET) of Ministry of Education of China, Grant: "Data Structure Complexity Theory".
Participant: National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Grant No. 61321491, Program for Innovative Research Team in University: "Research on the Internet-Oriented Software Methodologies and Technologies".